
Another Digital User Cluster

An interactive web-based installation shown at Material Glitch at Göteborgs Konsthall 2022.

Avatar 49

Avatar 49 is shown at in Halmstad, Sweden between 1-15 June 2022!

Busy Unseeing

A website for random and direction-less scrolling on the Web. A site deprived from its navigation tools.

Polyphasic Sleepers


Dekadansbanan — En lek med oändlig optimism och storhetsvansinne

A project in collaboration with Anx Kupiainen, Mattias Hofvendahl, Rasmus Sköld, Aldís Ellertsdottir Hoff.
Initiated by Lena Wiklund and Östergötlands Museum. Developed through Öna Residency, at Öna Kulturreservat, Östergötland, Sweden.

Ursprung: Öna

at Verkstad Konsthall, Norrköping